aus GlossarWiki, der Glossar-Datenbank der Fachhochschule Augsburg
Nummer 1990100
Studiengang Interaktive Mediensysteme (IMS 2014)
Modul Workshops und Seminare
Lehrveranstaltung Datenvisualisierung
Kürzel sw.dataviz
Prüfer Wolfgang Kowarschick
Zweitprüfer Daniel Rothaug
Prüfung Diese Prüfung wird in diesem Semester angeboten.
Prüfungsart Präsentation, Studienarbeit

Submission Date and Presentation

Please submit your seminar work via moodle till februrary 3rd, 2016.

Here is what to hand in digitally via Moodle (you may want to pack
everything in as few zip-files as possible with your name(s)
and - if necessary a number - as a file name, i.e. stoll.zip
or kowarschick+stoll-01.zip):

  • a one page summary as a word file, containing the following:
    1. your name(s), e-mail-address(es), student-id-numbers
    2. title and subtitle of your project
    3. a paragraph, describing the topic and the problem you intend to solve
    4. a paragraph, describing, how your solution addresses the problem
    5. a paragraph, describing the future potential of your work
    • early analogue scetches (scanned or photos)
    • all intermediate presentations
    • final work in a viewable/explorable format (plus open files)
    • data model
    • code repository
    • a rough unedited screen recording, showing a walk through the major features of
    • your work (use free quicktime player to record)
    • final presentation as pdf, powerpoint or keynote-presentation