Lehrveranstaltung:IMS 2014:Seminar Computer Games Development

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Die nachfolgenden Informationen wurden teilweise von Lehrveranstaltung:IAM 2006:Computer Games Development übernommen.

Studiengang Interaktive Mediensysteme (IMS 2014)
Modul Workshops und Seminare
Name Seminar Computer Games Development
Name (englisch) Computer Games Development
Kürzel sw.cgdev
Wird gehalten: jedes Semester
Semester IMS 1IMS 2IMS 3
Lehrformen Seminaristischer Unterricht, Übungen
Credits 5
SWS 4 (Lehre: 4, Teaching Points: 4)
Workload Präsenzstudium: 60 h (durchschnittlich 4 h pro Woche)
Eigenstudium: 90 h (durchschnittlich 6 h pro Woche)
Notengebung Kommanote (1,0; 1,3; 1,7; 2,0, 2,3; 2,7; 3,0; 3,3; 3,7; 4,0; 5,0)
Gewichtung (Modulnote): 50 %
Verantwortliche(r) Daniel Rothaug


On completion of this module, the student will be able to demonstrate:

  • An appreciation of the computer games industry
  • An understanding of computer games design and the ability to critically evaluate computer games
  • An understanding of design implementation
  • The ability to create a pre-production games proposal document
  • The ability to articulate course related ideas and concepts in English, both verbally and in written form


The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of computer games and the computer games industry. Conceptual design and critical analysis exercises allow students to explore a range of relevant topics in order to gain the ability to look at computer games objectively and from an informed standpoint. Students present their work (in English) both verbally and in written form through presentations and analysis documents.


  • Adams, E & Rollings, A (2007) Fundamentals of Game Design. Prentice Hall
  • Oxland, K (2004) Gameplay and Design. Addison Wesley
  • Poole, S (2000) Trigger Happy. Fourth Estate.
  • Gamasutra Website (http://www.gamasutra.com/)


Nummer Prüfer Zweitprüfer Prüfung Prüfungsart Prüfungsdetails Hilfsmittel
1990134 Prüfung Studienarbeit, Präsentation