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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Powers S. (2003): Practical RDF + (Aug)
- Ziegeler, Carsten; Langham, Matthew (2002): Cocoon: Building XML Applications + (Aug)
- Kellner, H. (1998): Das geheime Wissen der Personalchefs + (Aug)
- Larman, C. (2003): Agile and Iterative Development + (Aug)
- Goldratt, E. (2003): Das Ziel + (Aug)
- Boehm, Barry; Abts, Chris et. al. (2000): Software Cost Estimation with Cocomo II + (Aug)
- Kerth, N. (2004): Post mortem + (Aug)
- Crane, Dave; Pascarello, Eric etl. al. (2006): Ajax in Action + (Aug)
- Stöckl, A.; Bongers, F. (2006): Einstieg in TYPO3 4.0 + (Aug)
- Koch, D. (2006): TYPO3 und TypoScript + (Aug)
- Schwichtenberg, H. (2010): Mathematische Logik + (Aug)
- Martin, R.C. (1996): The Interface Segregation Principle + (Aug)
- Fried, M.N. (2001): Apollonius of Perga's Conica + (Aug)
- OMG (2011): OMG Unified Modeling Language – Version 2.4.1 + (Aug)
- OMG (2007): Unified Modeling Language – Version 2.1.1 + (Aug)
- Reenskaug, T. (1979a): Models-Views-Controllers + (Dec)
- Hatcher, Erik; Gospodnetic, Otis (2004): Lucene in Action + (Dec)
- Moczar, Lajos; Aston, Jeremy (2002): Cocoon Development Handbook + (Dec)
- Lippert, Martin; Roock, Stefan (2002): EXtreme Programming in Action + (Dec)
- Ihde, M.; Pilz, A. (2005): Vielarmige Geste – CMS mit Python: Plone 2.1.1 + (Dec)
- Jesse, Dirk (2006): CSS-Layouts + (Dec)
- Lindemann, C.; Caro, Maik (2005): Typo3 Tipps & Tricks + (Dec)
- Von Dellingshausen, Ch. et. al. (2003): dmmv-Kalkulationssystematik + (Dec)
- Berkovitz, Joe (2006): An architectural blueprint for Flex applications + (Dec)
- Cantor, G. (1883): Ueber unendliche, lineare Punktmannichfaltigkeiten, 5. + (Dec)
- Cantor, G. (1884): Ueber unendliche, lineare Punktmannichfaltigkeiten, 6. + (Dec)
- OMG (2017): OMG Unified Modeling Language – Version 2.5.1 + (Dec)
- W3C (2004): World Wide Web Consortium Issues RDF and OWL Recommendations + (Feb)
- Stoiber, D. (2005): Implementierung des Model-View-Controller Paradigmas + (Feb)
- Krüger, Jörg; Kopp, Matthias (2002): Web Content managen + (Feb)
- Beedle, M.; Schwaber, K. (2002): Agile Software Development with Scrum + (Feb)
- Sima, C. (2006): Locking the Door Behind You: Hacker Protection for Your Web Applications + (Feb)
- Jacobsen, J.(2006): iBusiness Briefingleitfaden + (Feb)
- Staudt, H. (2002): Enterprise Portale bändigen die Informationsflut + (Feb)
- Whitehead, A.N.; Russell, B. (2009): Principia Mathematica – Volume I + (Feb)
- Whitehead, A.N.; Russell, B. (2009): Principia Mathematica – Volume III + (Feb)
- Bayer, R.; McCreight, E. (1972): Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes + (Feb)
- OMG (2009): OMG Unified Modeling Language – Version 2.2 + (Feb)
- Kowarschick, W. (2002): Skriptum zur Vorlesung Multimedia Softwareentwicklung II + (Jan)
- Omelayenko, B. (2001): Learning of Ontologies for the Web + (Jan)
- Stahl, Florian; Maass, Wolfgang (2003): Content Management Handbuch + (Jan)
- Mauthe, A. (2004): Professional Content Management Systems + (Jan)
- Kyas, O. (1997): Internet Security + (Jan)
- Albuschat, A. (2004): Praktische Projektplanung mit Microsoft Project + (Jan)
- Wolf, Henning; Roock, Stefan et. al. (2002): Software entwickeln mit Extreme Programming + (Jan)
- Heche, D. (2004): Praxis des Projektmanagements + (Jan)