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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Rupp, C.; Queins, S.; SOPHISTen (2012): UML 2 glasklar: Praxiswissen für die UML-Modellierung + (Chris Rupp and Stefan Queins and die SOPHISTen)
- Ericson, Ch. (2004): Real-Time Collision Detection + (Christer Ericson)
- Theune, Christian (2006): Zope Foundation + (Christian Theune)
- Trabold, C.; Hasenau, J.; Niederlag, P. (2006): TYPO3 Kochbuch + (Christian Trabold and Jo Hasenau and Peter Niederlag)
- Rütten, C.; Glemser, T. (2006): Gesundes Misstrauen + (Christiane Rütten and Tobias Glemser)
- Herold C. (2008): Unternehmensportale und mobile Anwendungen + (Christina Herold)
- Scriba, C. J.; Schreiber, P. (2005): 5000 Jahre Geometrie + (Christoph J. Scriba and Peter Schreiber)
- Lindemann, C.; Caro, Maik (2005): Typo3 Tipps & Tricks + (Christoph Lindemann and Maik Caro)
- Von Dellingshausen, Ch. et. al. (2003): dmmv-Kalkulationssystematik + (Christoph von Dellingshausen and Martin Gläser and Beate Pracht and Klaus Walter and Christoph Winkelhage)
- Date, C.J. (1990): An Introduction to Database Systems, Vol. I + (Christopher J. Date)
- Date, C.; Darwen, H. (1993): A Guide to the SQL Standard + (Christopher J. Date and Hugh Darwen)
- Date, C.; Darwen, H. (1996): A Guide to the SQL Standard + (Christopher J. Date and Hugh Darwen)
- Bullinger, H. et al. (2002): Typen von Portalen + (Claus T. Eberhardt and Thorsten Gurzki and Henning Hinderer)
- JSDoc 3 documentation project: @use JSDoc + (Contributors)
- Cooper, Cameron (2004): Building Websites with Plone + (Cooper Cameron)
- Larman, C. (2001): Applying UML and Patterns + (Craig Larman)
- Larman, C. (2003): Agile and Iterative Development + (Craig Larman)
- Rocha, C.; Schwabe, D; Poggi, M. (2004): A hybrid approach for searching in the semantic web + (Cristiano Rocha and Daniel Schwabe and Marcus Poggi)
- Allen, D.; Connor, B. (2007): Encyclopedia of Visual Effects + (Damian Allen and Brian Connor)
- Shafer Dan; Yank Kevin (2006): Cascading Stylesheets + (Dan Shafer and Kevin Yank)
- Scott, D.; McCarty, D. (2008): Reconsidering Ordered Pairs + (Dana Scott and Dominic McCarty)
- Fuchs, Daniel (2007): Web Content Management Systeme + (Daniel Fuchs)
- Koch, D. (2006): TYPO3 und TypoScript + (Daniel Koch)
- Crane, Dave; Pascarello, Eric etl. al. (2006): Ajax in Action + (Dave Crane and Eric Pascarello and Darren James)
- Garmus, David; Herron, David (2000): Function Point Analysis + (David Garmus and David Herron)
- Hilbert, D. (1922): Die logischen Grundlagen der Mathematik + (David Hilbert)
- Sagarmay, D. (2003): Multimedia Systems and Content-Based Image Retrieval + (Deb Sagarmay)
- Hillmann, Diane (2005): Using Dublin Core + (Diane Hillmann)
- Herrmann, D. (2014): Die antike Mathematik + (Dietmar Herrmann)
- Stoiber, D. (2005): Implementierung des Model-View-Controller Paradigmas + (Dietmar Stoiber)
- Heche, D. (2004): Praxis des Projektmanagements + (Dirk Heche)
- Jesse, Dirk (2006): CSS-Layouts + (Dirk Jesse)
- Louis, Dirk; Nissen, Svend (2004): Flash MX 2004 und ActionScript + (Dirk Louis and Svend Nissen)
- Baranovskiy, D. (2008+): Raphaël – JavaScript Library + (Dmitry Baranovskiy)
- Hofstadter, D.R. (1987): Gödel, Escher, Bach + (Douglas R. Hofstadter)
- Hofstadter, D.R. (1988): Metamagikum + (Douglas R. Hofstadter)
- Hofstadter, D.R.; Dennett, D.C. (1985): The Mind's I + (Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett)
- Codd, E. F. (1969): Derivability, Redundancy and Consistency of Relations Stored in Large Sata Banks + (Edgar Frank Codd)
- Codd, E. F. (1970): A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks + (Edgar Frank Codd)
- Landau, E. (1930): Grundlagen der Analysis + (Edmund Landau)
- Zalta, E. N. (2014): Frege's Theorem and Foundations for Arithmetic + (Edward N. Zalta)
- Föcker, E.; Lienemann, C. (2000): Informationslogistische Dienste für Unternehmensportale + (Egbert Föcker and Carsten Lienemann)
- Föcker, E.; Löffeler, T. (2001): Mobile Aufgabenerledigung + (Egbert Föcker and Thorsten Löffeler)
- England, Elaine; Finney, Andy (1998): Managing Multimedia + (Elaine England and Andy Finney)
- Goldratt, E. (2002): Die kritische Kette + (Eliyahu M. Goldratt)
- Goldratt, E. (1990): Theory of Constraints + (Eliyahu M. Goldratt)
- Goldratt, E. (2003): Das Ziel + (Eliyahu M. Goldratt)
- Goldratt, E. (1994): It's Not Luck + (Eliyahu M. Goldratt)
- Goldratt, Eliyahu; Schragenheim, Eli (2004): Das Ergebnis + (Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Eli Schragenheim and Carol A. Ptak and Jeanette Böttcher and Ruth Niel)
- Goldratt, E.; Cox , J. (2004): The Goal + (Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox)
- Evans, E. (2003): Domain-Driven Design + (Eric Evans)